A Japan earthquake that occurred along the country’s west coast on the Noto Peninsula killed more than 220 people on January 1st. Initially, Japan declined international assistance for the aftermath of the earthquake. Later, the country requested help from U.S. forces who will deliver relief materials via use of the Black Hawk helicopter. Suggested read: Jeju Island Exercises Respond to N. Korea’s Testing & Russian Assistance
The New Year’s Day Japan Earthquake
The New Year’s Day Japan earthquake hit Ishikawa Prefecture with a 7.6 magnitude. In addition to the deaths caused by this earthquake, the Ishikawa Prefecture government is reporting more than 20 people as missing. The earthquake is officially the deadliest earthquake in Japan since 2016 when an earthquake in Kumamoto Prefecture killed 276 people. Thousands of homes, port facilities, vital infrastructure including roads, bridges, and power connections have been severely damaged. In response to the earthquake, Japan has around 7,000 Self-Defense Force (SDF) Troops already taking part in the relief. However, Japan has had their own relief efforts hampered by strong aftershocks. Some fear that this may cause further damage to the structures weakened by the Japan earthquake. This could even lead to landslides. Inclement weather with heavy snow and freezing temperatures have also hampered relief efforts. While the SDF troops have been doing their best to transport evacuees, the increase in their mission caused them to seek help from U.S. forces.
How Will The U.S. Forces Aid In Relief?
Though earthquakes in Japan are not uncommon, the country could still use aid to add to their training and experience with earthquake relief. This will allow for faster disaster resolution.Starting on Wednesday the 17th, the U.S. deployed two Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters to Japan, per their request. According to Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara, these helicopters will be based on the western coast of Ishikawa Prefecture at the Air Self-Defense Force’s Komatsu Air Base. The U.S. military forces will work side by side with Japan’s SDF. The U.S. helicopters will be responsible for providing relief supplies such as food, blankets, and medical resources. Additionally, they may help with transporting personnel as they provide aid and relief to the area affected by the Japan earthquake. As of January 22, U.S. Army helicopters have delivered over 2,000 pounds of supplies to Japan.Defense Minister Kihara emphasizes the significance of the role of the Blackhawks provided by U.S. forces, as it has allowed the SDF of Japan to focus on evacuations, cleaning roads with hydraulic shovels and bulldozers, and aiding those who have been isolated amid the damage.
What Is the Significance of the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter?
A Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk is a utility helicopter that was introduced into the military in 1978. This helicopter features four-blade main, tail rotors, and has two General Electric T700 turboshaft engines to power it. The UH-60 Black Hawk is capable of lifting 8,000 pounds and traveling at speeds of up 140 knots (about 161 miles per hour). With the ability to carry heavy loads quickly, this helicopter is one of the most powerful and impressive.A Black Hawk helicopter price can range from $5.9 million to $25 million or more. This depends on configuration and the number of units ordered in a single purchase.Related read: How the HH-60W Jolly Green II Rescue Helicopter Will Save More Lives
Where Does Relief From the Japan Earthquake Stand With the Help of U.S. Forces?
With only minimal international assistance requested for aid with the aftermath of the Japan Earthquake, both the prime minister and the defense minister have received backlash for the administration’s response to the disaster. Around 61.6% of the public claims to be dissatisfied with the handling of the Japan earthquake, a Kyodo news survey revealed. While U.S. aid only consists of two helicopters currently, the level of aid may increase over the days. This depends on consultations between the U.S. and Japanese governments regarding relief efforts.Read next: Army War College Childcare Investigated for Inappropriate Sexual Acts