Although he has switched to the Independent Party, many have wondered whether Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear would make a run for President now that Biden is withdrawing. However, it didn’t take long before Gov. Beshear officially stated he wouldn’t run and endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. Now, all eyes are on whether or not Beshear will run as her Vice President. Here’s a closer look at what that might mean for the military community should he be her running mate.
Andy Beshear Is Not a Veteran
First off, Andy Beshear did not serve in the U.S. military and isn’t a Veteran. This is because he was working on his law career and then serving the public as a politician for many years.Although Beshear doesn’t have direct military experience, he has still played a major role in advocating for the resources Veterans and the military community as a whole have within the Bluegrass State.
How Gov. Beshear Has Helped the Military Community
Through his time serving as Kentucky’s Governor, Andy Beshear has continued to show support for the military community, with the group being the target of his first major project.Gov. Beshear worked to provide Veterans with an easy way to convert experience gained in the military into credit at technical schools, vocational schools, and colleges.Andy Beshear’s Veteran jobs program, which provides a boost to the state’s agritech sector through expansion, was also complemented by helping expand the roles Vets have within the construction industry.Additionally, Gov. Beshear has also been a leader in decriminalizing the use of medical cannabis for all Kentucky residents. He has a notable call for Veterans dealing with PTSD.
How Policies Will Change with Andy Beshear as Vice President
If Beshear wins the role of Vice President, it’s unclear how much impact he would have on the military community that differs from what we see currently.For example, there is an overall push to provide Veterans with better resources and a better transition into civilian life through education and employment.The United States also continues to push for more and more legalization of the use of cannabis. This could improve healthcare options for some Veterans.Finally, President Biden has been overall supportive of Israel in its conflict. This fits the views of Andy Beshear so far.What we know is that if he’s picked as VP, the military community will be watching. While having service experience isn’t a requirement, voters will pay attention to every detail in the few months left for the election.Suggested reads: