By Alex Balderston
What Is Veterans Day 2024? Honoring All Who Served

What is Veterans Day? We observe Veterans Day to celebrate service members from all military branches: the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Space Force, and the Coast Guard. Those serving our nation deserve honor and respect. Therefore, Veterans Day is a great way to kick-start our gratitude to our military all year long. After all, Veterans are the reason for this honorary season. This Veterans Day, we encourage you to celebrate, reflect, and say thank you to all the Veterans in your life.

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Why Do We Celebrate Veterans Day?

So, why exactly is Veterans Day important? And, who is Veterans Day important to? Veterans day honors the sacrifice and hard work of Veterans and their family members. We celebrate Veterans Day to honor the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and other service members who put their lives on the line to defend our everyday freedoms.

Furthermore, Veterans Day is a time when Americans collectively recognize and honor the dedication of former military personnel. Overall, we celebrate Veterans Day to give back to the people offered up their lives in exchange for our freedom and protection.

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Veterans Day was created in the U.S. and is only celebrated in America. Veterans Day was originally an international day to mark the end of World War I. Today, it is a day to thank our nation's military heroes for their service.

Originally called Armistice Day, it was celebrated around the world after World War I. Armistice Day commemorates the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I and honors those who sacrificed their lives serving our nation.

The first “Veterans Day” celebration officially occurred in Birmingham, Alabama in 1947. Raymond Weeks organized the first “National Veterans Day,” with parades and additional festivities to honor Veterans. A law passed in 1968 officially changed the holiday's name to Veterans Day. It also altered the date of the holiday to the fourth Monday in October.

However, the date was quickly changed back to November 11th, and the name went from Armistice Day to Veterans Day.

Veterans Day Meaning Today

Veterans Day is very personal. Its meaning changes depending on those who are celebrating.

For example, it can be a day of remembrance when Veterans reflect on their service. It can be a day when Veterans think about on those they served with. It can also be a day for everyday persons to show that they care about those who have served.

No matter Veterans Day's meaning to you, we encourage you to take the time to reflect on the significance of Veterans Day this November 11th.

More like this: The Meaning of Veterans Day: A Combat Veteran’s Perspective

Veterans Day Poppy

Many of us likely remember our primary school days when teachers would wear poppies on a random day of the year, and we might have all created red poppy crafts, as well. We probably had no clue what it meant back then, and some still don’t know.

If you’ve always seen people wearing poppies on Veterans Day, there’s a good reason. It’s not just a random, pretty flower that says, “Hey, look at me! I remembered it’s Veterans Day!” The Veterans Day poppy has massive significance, as poppies were the flowers that bloomed on the battlefield when the war was over and the earth had started to heal once again.

The famous poem “In Flanders Fields” that talks about the aftermath of the World War I battlefield captures this topic beautifully.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

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Today, the Veterans Day National Ceremony is celebrated at 11:00 a.m. at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.

Historically, there have been parades and celebrations all across the country. Signed into law by President Obama in 2016, please remember to observe the two-minute national moment of silence on Veterans Day.

It starts at 3:11 p.m. Atlantic standard time, 1:11 p.m. Eastern standard time, 12:11 p.m. Central standard time, and 11:11 a.m. Mountain standard time.

Is Veterans Day a Federal Holiday or National Holiday?

It is both! As a federal holiday, Veterans Day is usually observed on November 11th each year. If the date falls outside of a weekday, then either the Monday or Friday before or after it will be designated as the federal holiday.

This year, Veterans Day is on Monday. Additionally, Veterans Day is celebrated as a national holiday. All non-essential government offices are closed to allow people to celebrate, remember, and reflect.

More like this: Why Do We Celebrate Memorial Day?

Who Qualifies as a Veteran?

Many people can classify under the term “Veteran,” but what exactly is required? Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to have seen combat to be considered a Veteran. You just have to have served in the military, naval or air service, and be honorably discharged.

There are four types of Veterans, which include:

  • Federally protected Veterans (Armed Forces Service Medal Veterans, campaign badge Veterans, disabled Veterans, and recently separated Veterans)
  • Retired Veterans (members who have served at least 20 years or have been medically retired)
  • Combat Veterans (individuals who have earned a combat action award)
  • War Veterans (individuals who have been deployed to a war zone)

The minimum amount of time in service to achieve this title is 24 months in active duty, however there are some benefits that can be obtained if discharged due to medical reasons.

Another notable exception is if someone is discharged during basic training for medical reasons. You can still be considered a Veteran for federal student aid purposes if they have served at least one day before discharge.

Alternatives to “Thank You for Your Service”

This Veterans Day, remember to simply treat Veterans like regular people. If you want to say thanks, you can say this in any way, as long as it’s not disrespectful.

Don’t walk on eggshells around them. Veterans are likely to tell you off if they get the sense that you’re treating them differently or pitying them. Believe us; we’ve seen it happen.

Try starting up a conversation if you don't quite know what to say. You can ask about their time in the service or chat with them as you would any other human. The choice is yours. Just don't treat them as outsiders.

Always remember to be honest, respectful, and kind.

Veterans Deserve to Be Celebrated Every Day

Veterans Day is a time to celebrate those who have previously served in the military. It’s a time for Americans to thank those who have protected the freedoms we enjoy. It’s a time to appreciate the sacrifice that millions of Veterans across the nation have made. In 2024, the holiday serves as a reminder to appreciate our blessings, and reminds us to help protect the wellbeing of those who protected us. This Veterans Day, don't wait to say thank you.

Read next: The Fight for the Virginia House Seat Between Two Army Veterans Gets Tighter


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