Military families are diverse, but we would be remiss to overlook the canines that reside in the homes of active duty service members and Veterans alike. Finding military names for dogs is a great way to show respect to the American Armed Forces, tribute those who have come before, and frankly, just provide your dog with an awesome name.
Military Names for Dogs - 3 Ways to Get Inspired
Not all military names for dogs are even. There are many ways to go about naming your canine and depending on their temperament and your preference, what might work best for one dog may not work for yours. You’ll find many lists out there but if you’re looking for a few great options and the meanings and connections behind them, below, we’re breaking down three ways to find names for military dogs:
1. Ranks Are the Perfect Military Dog Names for German Shepherds
It may feel a bit unoriginal to name your dog Captain, Major, Chief, or Sergeant, but hear us out. Even with proper training, German Shepherds are leaders and strong-willed by nature. These take-charge K9s know what it takes to get the job done, work diligently, and are loyal. The best leaders within the U.S. military exemplify these characteristics for those they lead and their branch and nation as a whole. Furthermore, regardless of your dog’s breed, you can take things a step further and name your furry best friend after a leader you served with in honor of their name.
2. Name Them After a Famous Military Dog
Paying tribute to the people that have served our nation is a common, important tradition; however, animals also help America succeed on the battlefield. Throughout history, animals have worked alongside humans in war and the United States is no exception. Here are a few examples of canines who have served to name your dog after in fitting tribute:
Sergeant Stubby
The 102nd Infantry Regiment needed a mascot and Sergeant Stubby answered the call. As a member of the 26th Division during World War I, he was heavily involved on the Western Front, serving for a year and a half across 17 battles and four offensives. These exploits are more than enough to make our list of the best military names for dogs.
One of the best female military names for dogs is Lucca, which isn’t just a beautiful moniker but also pays tribute to one of the most active dogs in the history of the U.S. Marines. Through her two deployments to Iraq and another in Afghanistan, Lucca was successful in operating for six years in more than 400 missions. During her watch, there were no human fatalities.
You can name a dog Chips for many reasons outside of anything to do with the military; however, if you are looking for a deeper meaning, consider this:
- During World War II, Chips was a Sentry Dog in the Army.
- Not only did he serve but he ended up becoming the most decorated canine in WWII. She earned the Distinguished Service Cross, a Silver Star, a Purple Heart, and more.
- Sadly, because we can’t have nice things, the Army changed its rules about letting animals earn awards, so his awards were revoked.
Fortunately, the Army can’t stop you from naming your animal as you see fit. Chips is among many great military dog names for males and a great way to pay tribute to a legendary animal.
Sallie Ann Jarrett
The American Pitbull mascot of the 11th Pennsylvania Infantry rose to fame. He even rubbed elbows (paws?) with President Abraham Lincoln. Sallie Ann Jarrett lived among the Soldiers serving in the infantry for most of the duration of the American Civil War. She even survived the Battle of Gettysburg after being separated from her men, defending the dead and wounded at Oak Ridge. Sadly, Sallie Ann Jarrett died a hero while serving in action in February 1865.
3. Pick a Name Based on Military Dogs in Hollywood
Some dogs are great because they’ve served in the military. Others may have only served on television or in the movies. Then again, some canines find themselves on the battlefield and then on the big screen, in a stroke of luck as fate would have it. Whatever the journey, there are several military connections to some famous dogs you may or may not be aware of. Using these military names for dogs in their honor is also a great idea:
We all know the tale told of Greek mythology; however, there is another reason Cerberus makes for a cool military name for dogs. In the hit TV show SEAL Team, the Belgian Malinois plays a recurring role as a member of the team helping the operators detect bombs. This is your spoiler alert. Unfortunately, in a mission gone wrong, he’s injured and forced to retire medically. However, Jason Hayes, played by David Boreanaz, adopts him as they continue to forge a bond and overcome their injuries together.
Rin Tin Tin
It’s a bit trickier, sort of like agreeing on the right name in the first place, but Rin Tin Tin or Rin-Tin-Tin or Rinty is known for their Hollywood exploits. However, before the fame, a U.S. Soldier named Lee Duncan would find him in France, during World War I. A hit at the box office, Rin Tin Tin would collect 27 film credits and create a family of dogs who would go on to fame of their own varying successes throughout the entertainment industry. From surviving war to having a lineage that would help boost patriotism during WWII through the media, Rin Tin Tin is one of the great military names for dogs you can use for your canine. Suggested reads: