Though military call signs have an unclear origin, it’s been a long-standing tradition since 1930. There are just three rules to these pilot nicknames. 1) Very few will be graced with cool military call signs like “Maverick.” Accept that you most likely are not a part of that few. 2) If you don’t have a call sign already, you’ll get one very soon. 3) Complaining will only get your call sign swapped for one that’s far worse and much more embarrassing. That being said, let’s get into 20 funny, crazy, and cool military call signs and their backstories. Read next:Military Call Signs: How This Tradition Began
Check Out These Top 5 Cool Military Call Signs and Codenames
1. Dead Walker
In early 1969, the 1st Battalion of the 9th Marine Regiment launched Operation Dewey Canyon. The cost of victory was steep, and very few of the 800 Marines involved in the mission survived. The Marines turned what was originally an insulting term from the enemy into one of the greatest call signs since World War 2. It was used by the battalion during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) until its deactivation in 2014.
2. Steel Rain
The 3rd Battalion of the 27th Field Artillery Regiment had a multiple-launch rocket system that released rockets that would split into several tiny bombs. The Iraq soldiers would call the little bombs “steel rain,” and the name stuck.
3. Bloody Bucket
The 28th Infantry Division landed and reclaimed the beach in Normandy not long after D-Day. This victory gave them a formidable reputation. The name came from Germans, who called the 28th Infantry Division “Bloody Bucket” after the red emblems on their uniforms.
4. Chaos
The former United States Secretary of Defense, General Mattis is an idol to the Marine Corps. The retired general was a great leader full of charisma and wit. As he said himself, he always had good ideas. At least, he thought he always had great ideas. His troops cheekily came up with CHAOS which stands for “Colonel Has An Outstanding Solution,” and it stuck.
5. RawHide
This was the codename given to President Ronald Raegan. It was most fitting because of his love for ranching and his acting appearances in a few western films before he made his way into politics. The name took on an additional meaning after the former president was met with an assassination attempt on March 30, 1981. The Secret Service used the code name to report the president’s injuries over the radio. The president was able to recover two weeks later.
Creative Call Signs Military Personnel Love and Hate
Not every call sign has a remarkable story behind it like the ones above. Call signs can be random and unusual, tied to a personality, or even represent an embarrassing moment. Each one is unique. Here are 15 other creative call signs for military pilots!
6. Pyro
This troop pickled off a few flares and set fire to the field at Osan Air Base.
7. Rebound
The poor fellow was in so many rebound relationships that the name stuck. Rumor has it that his plane is made of rubber and hasn’t figured out landing.
Student Aviator Lacking Situational Awareness
9. Rico
Remember the slightly crazy penguin from the Madagascar movie?
10. P.E. or Premature Ejection
Embarrassingly pressed the ejection switch in an aircraft while still on the runway.
11. UTAH
Utah is the second-driest state in the country. The only thing drier is this pilot’s sense of humor and conversation skills.
12. T-BAR
That Boy Ain’t Right
13. TOOT
This instructor pilot always started by saying, “The Objective Of Today” is…
14. Mo’Gas
Always used to shout, “More Gas! More Gas!” during takeoff.
15. Lunchbox
Ate anything left in the fridge for more than a day. Leftovers aren’t safe over here.
16. Kasper
Would disappear like a ghost and pop up out of nowhere for the joy of scaring everyone.
17. Marx
A weird fellow who frequently went on anti-communist rants. His first name was also Karl.
18. Teflon
Hawg pilot at Spangdahlem known for his smooth moves in the air and on the ground.
19. Omelet
A Dutch pilot who wanted to be called Bouncer since he used to be one back at a club in Holland. The squadron also learned that “bouncer” in Dutch (Uitsmijter) also means “grilled egg” and decided that Omelet sounded much better.
20. TINY
A 6’6” muscular guy around 250 pounds with a low bass in his voice.
What Would Your Call Sign Be?
Military call signs are a rite of passage for many in the Armed Forces. You may not always like it at first, but ultimately it’s a show of unity between troops and a humbling experience, even if you don’t get one of the amazingly cool military call signs. After going through our list of some of the most interesting call signs out there, what do you think your call sign might be? Read next:Top 12 Strangest Special Military Operation Names You've Never Heard Of