Burials at sea are a time honored tradition that has been upheld by the United States military for decades. It is the last show of respect to a Veteran who served in the Navy, sending them off into the waves as a final farewell. For many of those who served in the United States Navy, a burial at sea is the highest honor that one could receive for their time in the service. However, being able to be eligible for a burial at sea depends on your time serving.
What Does the Navy Require for a Burial at Sea?
Burial at sea is not granted to just everyone who has spent time serving in the United States Navy. There are certain requirements that must first be met during your time in the service to receive eligibility for this ceremonial honor. The first and most immediate is that you must be active-duty. Active-duty personnel are automatically eligible to receive a burial at sea should they pass while performing in the military. If you are a Navy Veteran, then you must have retired with an honorable discharge to receive a burial at sea. Anything below an honorable discharge disqualifies you from being eligible for this ceremonial honor. Additionally, U.S. civilian Marine personnel of the Military Sealift Command will receive eligibility for a burial at sea. Any dependent family members of active-duty personnel, retirees, and Veterans will also be able to have a burial at sea.
How Much Does a Burial at Sea Cost?
A U.S. Navy burial at sea is of no cost to the families of the Veteran in question. As mentioned previously, anyone who qualifies for a burial at sea also receives the service free of charge. This accounts for a basic/general ceremony, in which the family of the deceased is not permitted to attend the funeral. For those who want a more personalized burial, a fee can be paid to have the deceased’s cremated remains scattered at a location of the family’s choice. Veterans and their families can choose to do a private burial at sea. They can also select a specific location of the family’s choosing.
Is a Burial at Sea Legal?
Yes, a burial at sea is completely legal. For cremated remains, the burial must be in or on ocean water of any depth. The burial must also take place at a minimum of three nautical miles from land. For non-cremated remains, there are a few more guidelines. The MPRSA general permit authorizes burial at sea of non-cremated remains at any location that is three nautical miles from land. It also permits burial in ocean waters that are at least 600 feet deep. Some areas only allow burials in water that are 1,800 feet deep. This depends on the individual guidelines of wherever you want the ceremony to take place. In order to have a burial at sea at your desired location, you must make sure that your parameters for the ceremony fit into the set guidelines. These precautions are put into place to make sure that the remains do not pose a health risk to any marine or human life.
Prayer Ideas to Honor Those Lost
Just like with any funeral, a burial at sea is usually accompanied by a prayer. This is in honor of the life that has passed on. Here are but a few examples:
- “Unto Almighty God, we commend the soul of our brother departed, and we commit his body to the deep; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection unto eternal life, through our Lord Jesus Christ; at whose coming in glorious majesty to judge the world, the sea shall give up her dead; and the corruptible bodies of those who sleep in him shall be changed, and made like unto his glorious body; according to the mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself.” - The Book of Common Prayer (1928) of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
- “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” - Psalm 46:1-3 (ESV).
- “Down to the unfathom’d realms, where hidden fountains flow, alone, his silent couch to find, the child of earth must go. / For him no funeral bell may weeping friends convene, nor dust, to kindred dust be laid with the church-yard green. / Farewell! One heavy plunge! One cleft in ocean’s floor.” - Mrs. L.H. Sigourney.
The Unique Significance Behind the Tradition
With the many types of ceremonies that exist to celebrate the memory of those who have passed on, burials at sea remain the most unique. Furthermore, it is a perfect way to celebrate the life of someone who committed their days to serving their country atop the waves. The ocean itself is a beautiful part of our world. Its majesty serves as a wonderful spot to lay to rest the long life of a dearly departed loved one. Regardless of how you go about the ceremony, a burial at sea is a beautiful and special sentiment to close the final chapter of one’s life. Related reads: