With summer already here, obtaining that boast-worthy Instagram beach bod is probably on your mind, but choosing an exercise routine can seem like a daunting task. You're in for a treat because today, we are going to share with you military workout regimens that go beyond your usual workouts. We're going to give you all the information you need to start building muscles and strength just like our nation’s elite military. Once you start, we know you’re going to be addicted to these invigorating, heart-pumping, and effective workouts. So, put on your workout clothes, grab a water bottle, and get ready to crush these military workout regimens! Read next:Army Basic Training: Everything You Need To Know
Military Workout Schedule
This military workout plan is sure to help you achieve your fitness goals in no time. Monday Full-Body HIIT Lower Ab Finisher Tuesday 30-minute Cardio Stretch Session Wednesday 10-minute Legs and Glutes (2 times) Core Finisher Thursday 30-minute Cardio Stretch Session Friday Upper-Body Strength Circuit Glute Finisher Saturday 30-minute Cardio Stretch Session Sunday Rest and recovery! You’ve earned it! The best thing about military workout plans is that they are extremely customizable. If you're new to exercising or fitness, you might want to use these workouts as a guide. Take your own goals and physical abilities into account when starting your workout schedule. Having a personal training program will help keep you motivated and decrease burnout. If you are more advanced or are looking for a more intense workout, these plans can still help you achieve your fitness goals. Just increase the number of reps or duration of your workouts if you're looking to make some serious gains. As always, check with your personal physician before starting any exercise program. When working out, it is essential to choose the right clothes. And remember that comfort is key. When doing a military workout, clothes that allow you to move freely and stay cool are always the best option. Pay attention to the type of material you select, as these workouts will certainly have you working up a sweat! Finally, think about choosing something that makes you feel great and increases your confidence. You can do this!
Military HIIT Workout
HIIT exercises improve your metabolism by allowing your body to continue burning calories throughout the day, even after you have stopped exercising. If you want to see the maximum impact of these workouts, try adding in a diet plan to lose more weight in a shorter period of time. This HIIT military workout takes approximately 10 minutes and can be done in the comfort of your own home. There’s no special equipment needed, and it’s a great way to get your heart pumping. Before starting this workout, you’ll wanna warm up with some stretches and light cardio. With a HIIT workout, your rest period is between 20-30 seconds to maximize this high-intensity workout.
- Squat Jumps—30 seconds
- 10-second break
- Push Up with a Toe Touch—20 seconds
- 10-second break
- High Skater Hops—20 seconds
- Opposite Mountain Climbers—20 seconds
- 10-second break
- Burpees—20 seconds
- A-Skips—20 seconds
- 10-second break
- Warrior Lunge and Jab—20 seconds
- Frog Jumps—20 seconds
Repeat the entire workout one more time!
Military Ab Workout: “4 for the Core”
This U.S. Army workout targets the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis and is focused on creating powerful movements that strengthen the core. These exercises limit back strain and instead use static positions to tighten your abdominal muscles.
The Bent-Leg Raise
For this exercise, you will lie on your back in a sit-up position with your hands flat on the floor. Next, tense your abdominal muscles, and raise your feet and legs off the floor until your legs form a 90-degree angle. Your calves should be parallel to the floor. Hold this position for one minute, and then repeat for 10 reps.
The Side Bridge
Start by lying on your side and prop your upper body up on your elbow, forearm, and fist. Next, cross your legs, placing your bottom leg over the top of your leg with both feet together. Lift your hips and legs off the ground, supporting yourself with just your arms and feet. Hold this position for one minute, and then switch sides.
The Back Bridge
Start by lying on your back in a sit-up position with your hands flat on the floor. Next, contract your abdominal muscles, and raise your hips off the floor until your thighs and torso form a straight line. Then, straighten one leg, keeping the body strong, and hold for five seconds. Repeat for one minute, alternating legs.
The Quadraplex
For this final exercise, start on your hands and knees with your back parallel to the floor. Next, contract your abdominal muscles and straighten your left leg and right arm, keeping your back straight. Hold for five seconds, and then switch to your right leg and left arm. Repeat this exercise for a minute, alternating legs and arms. Looking for something a bit more intense? Give this Army Ranger workout a try:
- Pull-ups (6 minimum/2 minutes)
- Push-ups (50 minimum/2 minutes)
- Sit-ups (60 minimum/2 minutes)
- Chin-ups (15-20/2 minutes)
The “4 for the Core” exercise is just one of several effective military workouts for weight loss. When choosing a military workout, be sure to start slowly and work your way up.
Full-Body Military Workouts
Looking for a full-body workout? Well, we’ve got you covered. These workouts are great for beginners or seasoned pros. They hit all your major muscles, and you don’t need to invest in weights or exercise equipment. Check out these straightforward, efficient, and convenient full-body workouts that are military-approved.
Introductory Navy SEAL Workout
A Navy SEAL workout places major emphasis on cardio, specifically swimming and running. Additionally, muscular endurance plays a pivotal role in training and injury prevention. Speed, agility, and mobility are all areas that are crucial for a SEAL to excel in, and their workouts are designed to be full-body and well-rounded. Check out this introductory training plan that’ll help you jumpstart your journey to SEAL status. Monday Speed and Agility Tuesday Power Wednesday Rest Thursday Strength Friday Hypertrophy & Muscular Endurance Saturday Optional Full-Body Conditioning Sunday Rest
Marine Corps “Fit @ Home” Challenge
This 12-week Marine workout challenge has three phases, with each phase lasting four weeks. The program has suggested dynamic warmups and cooldown exercises for each workout. Some warmup exercises include:
- Arm Circles (50 forward, 50 backward)
- Walking Lunge With Twist (8 each leg)
- Hip Circles (15 each leg)
Some cooldown exercises include:
- Sumo Stretch (two 10-second holds)
- Single-Leg Balance (10 each leg)
- Side Bend Stretch (15-second holds each side)
This Marine Corps workout challenge was designed for all fitness levels. The beginner plan is perfect for those who have not worked out recently or have little to no workout experience. The intermediate plan is great for those who exercise fairly often but not daily. The advanced plan is geared towards those who exercise most days and those who are already athletes. Some exercises you will do during the first month include push-ups, side straddle hops, leg lifts, walking lunges, and reverse lunges. The challenge is very customizable and is designed to help individuals achieve their fitness goals. Print out the official fitness log to track your progress each week!
Military Bodyweight Workout
Feeling ready to level up? Give the military-grade bodyweight workout a try! Press-Up Sets: 5 Reps: 20 For this exercise, you will get in a push-up position with your hands and toes beneath the shoulders and your body straight. Lower your body until your chest is an inch from the ground, and then drive up by fully extending your arms. Crunch Sets: 5 Reps: 20 Lie on your back with your knees bent 90 degrees. Place both hands on the sides of your head and lift your shoulders off the floor, making sure to keep your lower back on the ground. Bodyweight Squat Sets: 5 Reps: 20 Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, and sit back with your hips. Go down as far as you can, and then push yourself back to the starting position. Bench Dips Sets: 5 Reps: 20 Stand facing away from a bench and grab it with both hands (shoulder-width apart). Extend your legs in front of you, and slowly lower your body by flexing your elbows and arms to create a 90-degree angle. Use your triceps to lift you back up. Burpee Sets: 5 Reps: 20 Begin in a standing position, and then squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Place your hands on the floor for support, and kick your feet back as far as you can, extending your arms. Jump your feet back towards your hands, and then jump in the air, fully extending your arms.
Military Buddy Workouts
Working out with a partner is a great way to ensure that you are sticking to your exercise routine and completing it safely. More so, it also makes the sometimes-dreadful task more enjoyable and productive. Here’s an easy military workout that you’ll want to give a try the next time you’ve got a buddy in tow!
- Bike, elliptical, or rower—5 minutes
- Stretching or foam rolling—5 minutes
Repeat five times. When you are doing these recovery exercises, your buddy will be doing a non-impact cardio option until you are finished. If you are looking for more intense military buddy workouts that will get your heart pumping, these 100-meter distance and 100-repetition workouts are for you.
- Person 1: 100-meter sprint/jog backs; Person 2: 100 flutter kicks
- Person 1: 100-meter bear crawl; Person 2: 100 squats
- Person 1: 100-meter burpee broad jumps; Person 2: 100KB (40 lbs.) swings
Summer-Ready in No Time!
These military fitness routines and exercises are sure to get you in shape and ready for those summer pool parties. Remember, these exercises are customizable, making them perfect for beginners and intense enough for seasoned exercise vets. Since these military workout regimens are quite intense, it is important to fuel your body with foods that will help optimize your results, not set you back. Try incorporating lean proteins, fiber-rich foods, vegetables, and fruits into your diet. Hydration is super important, so make sure that you are providing your body with the water it needs. Consider buying a motivational water bottle to help you crush your hydration goals. We hope you enjoyed learning more about these military workout regimens that are sure to get you beach-body ready in no time! More like this:Finding a Veteran-Approved Nutrition Plan on World Health Day